(around 08.29.02)

I don't remember how dan got the nickname tweaker but it's sticking. There's this website that had taken a bunch of ASL signs and twisted around their meanings. search google for tweaker "sign language" and you'll see what i mean. anyways, one of the signs was named "tweaker" and we figured that it'd fit dan perfectly. I decided to try to make him a present for his 2nd year of Temple (which he doesn't recommend) grad school (which I don't recommend) and that present would be his face on a t-shirt.. so here's what i did:
here's the original image. The caption says:
Rapid-fire sequence of palm thrusts, elbow waves, finger wiggles, arm jerks, and random stabs at the air. See also: TURNTABLIST.

I tried to find a good picture of dan doing something stupid so that it'd match up with the illustration...

this was the hard (yet fun) part. Using Adobe Illustrator, I traced all of the lines of the origial illustration so that I could have the image in vector format. I then traced similar looking lines on the actual photo of dan's face. I did some scaling and removed and added a few lines here and there to make dan's illustrated head fit on the traced image of the tweaker's body.

I actually got dan to wear the shirt! I printed the image onto t-shirt transfer paper and ironed it onto a white shirt.. unfortunately the color was too light and it doesn't show up well.. maybe that's why he's not scared to wear it though.. It would have looked much better screen printed but it also would have been way too expensive and time consuming.
