we visited the ann hamilton: the event of a thread exhibition at the park avenue armory. it’s a really neat building.after exploring the rooms in the front of the armory, we purchased tickets and were met with an interesting contrast of gleeful chaos and monotone poetry readings
adults and kids were having FUN. when is the last time you were on a swing? how about a giant, 100-foot swing?
reading. the recital was broadcast wirelessly to speakers inside paper bags that were scattered on the floor of the armory.
lots of people laid down in the middle to look up at the swaying curtain
so I took a photo looking up. here is what they saw:
there was a record player and a record cutter. at the end of each day, a song is sung and the recording is cut into a record. that record is then played the next day
this guy was taking a break. you can see the cables attached to swings and the curtain