bike to work day 2011 was fun – here are some photos:
volunteers at one of the many east bay energizer stations. This one was in berkeley, staffed by grizzly peak cyclists(?) The woman is holding up little colorful bike pins. They had snacks and coffee and information about the east bay bike coalition. According to streetsblog SF, about 10,000 people biked to work in Alameda county, up 12.3% from last year. I definitely saw a lot more cyclists out on the streets.
bike love
this photo was taken from the energizer station outside of actual cafe
people were out from Spokeland – a north oakland bike co-op.
after work, we headed to bike away from work party, where there were tons of neat bikes to check out:
a rusty paint job
leathery cowboy bike
this bamboo bike was really well done
the crucible was showing off some bikes modified by teenagers
the popcycle
actual cafe’s parklet
this bike was handcuffed to a speaker
a danish pedersen bike. wood fenders, rims. hammock seat. stumey archer 3-speed internal rear hub. coaster brake.
bike, shoes, jeans, shirt, hat
and cyclecide was there with their deadly-looking-but-fun looking bikes and rides
It looked a little smaller than last year’s but was still a fun time.