Oh hey! Last month was Oakland’s annual Eat Real Festival and I returned to take pictures on September 22nd. I will put up photos from the Flying knives steer butchery competition in a separate post.
Miss Pearl’s Jam House led a demonstration and discussion titled “Water to Table”. This is a tuna.
Chef Eddie Blyden freaks out a local child with a giant fish:
The festival featured multiple beer pouring stations. This one featured a refrigerated storage container filled with kegs. Here, an Eat Real Festival volunteer poses for the camera after completing a pour:
Kids customized t-shirts at the new Kids’ Zone:
5733/LOAKal was there to represent:
Ice cream from Berkeley’s famous Ici, located in the wonderful Elmwood district:
Judges are a little critical of one entry in the Bare Bones BBQ Competition:
Festival-goers season their corn:
Homebrew winner. Homebrew winner. Homebrew winner:
Jamboree contest entries featured Ollalie Berry Jam, Tangerine Lemon Jelly, Lemon Orange Marmalade and Kumquat Chutney:
The start of a beautiful thai fruit carving:
Gorgeous autumn sun floods through Jack London Square:
A helper for Jack London Square newcomer, Forge Pizza takes orders:
American flags over Jack London Square: