what I did in new york in december


pasta at giovanni rana

fresh pasta at giovanni rana in chelsea market

high line

The Standardshaftway


cable lockthis bicycle is not like the others

nyu : bobst library NYU’s Elmer Holmes Bobst Library

hello park avenue

this one had no trouble posing.  chocolate labrador?constructionconstruction.  we took a little peek into an unattended construction entrance.

obligatory subway shot

obligatory subway shot – Lorimer St/Metropolitan Avecafeteria garbage - bed-stuy

cafeteria waste in Bed-Stuystencil

stencil + marker + drips?snow in the flatironsnow in the flatiron district

pi door handles at MoMath pi door handle at the Museum of Mathematicssteam steam

good bye, new yorkgood bye, new york