Danny Johnson of Taylor’s Market in Sacramento along with Paul Carras and Mitch Lind defeated Dave the Butcher’s Marina Meats team and won the 2013 Flying Knives Steer Butchery Competition at Oakland’s 2013 Eat Real Festival.
Before the competition, the emcee (Anya Fernald), judges and participants shared some Four Roses bourbon to get warmed up.
The cow quarters were hung on meat hooks prior to the countdown to the start:
Dave the Butcher, a crowd favorite, offered his commentary as he prepared some cuts.
The Taylor’s Market team quietly worked together.
Dave the Butcher cheeses for the camera. “I’ve done this before.”
A young fan inspects the cuts of beef in front of him:
Anya talks things over with a judge:
Anya did an excellent job of explaining to the crowd what was happening on the butcher tables in front of them.
You may have noticed that the perennial winners, the Yedra Brothers, were not competing this year. They agreed to come back as judges and let another team take the prize.
Prizes. Trophies and Four Roses Small Batch.
The Yedra brothers take a look at what’s on the table:
Last year, the Yedra brothers set the precedent of labeling and garnishing the final cuts.
Dave explains to the judges what his team did.
Danny explains his side of the story.
Handshake at the end of competition:
Team Taylor’s Market wins! See you next year.