(part 1 of the tour is here)
This is part 2 of my brooklyn bike and coffee tour.
My next stop after Blue Bottle was Oslo coffee (133 Roebling St, Brooklyn).
I took some shots along the way:

I couldn’t handle much more caffeine by the time I got to Oslo, so I skipped another espresso and had a cookie instead.

I told Eddie about the bike and coffee tour idea and he recommended a few places to check out in Manhattan. I was surprised that it was empty there, but I think it was mid-afternoon at this point, which isn’t exactly a prime coffee hour.
I visited NYCbikes (spokes and strings? 140 Havemeyer St. Brooklyn, NY) next.

I continued rolling around Williamsburg to Gimme! Coffee (495 Lorimer St, Brooklyn, NY)

It was pretty packed in here with quite a few people working on their laptops and it looked like some of the after-work crowd was coming in for a buzz. Friendly baristas.

I didn’t remember to take a picture of the espresso shot until I was almost done:

affinity cycles (616 Grand Street Brooklyn, NY) was right around the corner.

The guys in the shop were pretty busy with repairs and they were doing some renovations to the interior:

onward. Grand St. was being resurfaced but the fatty cruiser tires didn’t really care.

I rode down to velo brooklyn (bushwick bike shop). (342 Dekalb Avenue, Brooklyn, NY) This shop wasn’t part of my originally-scheduled tour, but I happened to be riding by, so…

super-friendly and laid back people here. One guy recommeded that I check out the biker cafe, boneshakers – but alas, I didn’t have time this trip. maybe next time. I browsed through their cycling cap selection and was surprised to see that they carried hats by local lady alloneword. She had graciously donated caps to my girlfriend and friends who are doing AIDS lifecycle this year.

I headed towards Lit fuse cyclery (409 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, NY) next.

I was taking interior shots at every shop, but I had to get one from this angle because I have a soft spot for kleins. this Klein Rascal had the mission control integrated handlebars. (Side note: I’m happy someone put together www.oldklein.com – the official klein page is just a product registration form. boo trek.)

that’s a lot of photos. next post is the ride back to recycle a bicycle to return the bike.