This is part 2 of my photos from Eat Real Festival 2010. For part 1, click here.
After his Chinese Noodle Pulling demonstration, Chef Gordon from ARK Chinese restaurant in Alameda started a watermelon carving demonstration. The stage MC joked that he’d be going at half-speed so that the people in the audience could observe his technique. He specified that he’d be carving a peony:
I like seeing the watermelon rind scraps all strewn about.
A little chunk fell out as Chef Gordon was carving. He explained that he usually uses less-ripe watermelons because they’re firmer and thus less likely to fall apart.
Chef Gordon also threw a carved carrot into the mix. He said these need to be fresh so they they’re still firm and crisp. Here’s a bird:
I did some walking around after watching the demonstration. Here’s some roast pig, ready for serving from Chop bar:
Here’s a hen (taxidermy?) in front of the Food Skills stage in the Urban Homestead area. As seen on Oakland Local.
Goods from the prizewinners of the Urban Homestead competition:
Samples for the crowd from the Melon Mania workshop in the Urban Homesteading area.
Elote to be:
What comes next? Half eaten elote:
Lobster roll from Sam’s Chowdermobile. My favorite food of the festival.
Gigantic Gerald’s Paella Pan. You could fit a family of 6 on it!
shot of the eat real 2010 crowd:
Carne Cruda performing at the Lawn Stage – They were goofballs.
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